Jaslin Kaur for City Council

Graphic DesignWeb DesignFront-End Web DevProject Management

Jaslin for Queens (NYC CD-23) was a grassroots, progressive campaign offering a bold vision for the future of Queens. In accordance with the brand guide, I designed graphics, overhauled the design of a website as part of a team, and managed its day to day upkeep.

Brand guide developed by Megan Magray with Kara McCurdy. Select photography work by Megan Magray. Website work under direction of website team leader Miguel M. Translation work not mine. Limited elements used under license from Canva and the Noun Project.

Graphics Team

AirTable Event Graphics

Enticing graphics that communicated the nature of events being hosted were needed for a sign up page. I approached the task by developing a design system that was uniform as to make the thumbnails feel part of a set, while leaving enough room to variate them to the point where they were distinguishable, all while balancing the demands of the brand guidelines.

Photography by Jaslin campaign volunteers. Manual photo background removal by me.

The slanted background is a motif that uses a subtle visual difference to emphasize that the events are remote.
Conveying distance for in-person events, especially in COVID times, was crucial.

Clipboard Sign Up Sheet

Designed near the outset of the campaign to begin building voter contacts.

Jaslin Sign Up Sheet.pdf41.8KB

Auxiliary Support

Provided assistance to other volunteers on the graphics team, including feedback, answering questions about our design tools, and answering general design questions.

Website Team

Most of my work took place on the website team, where I made extensive mockups via Figma in anticipation of a website overhaul to bring the design in line with our brand guide. I leveraged tools like Notion to document, visualize, keep track of, and fulfill past, present, and future tasks. I was responsible for ensuring new Press and Endorsements were regularly added to their respective pages.

Being a project manager for the website team, I fielded and addressed website needs and requests from any member of the campaign, and provided regular, transparent updates to keep relevant teams informed as to changes that could impact them. On occasions where the website team leader was indisposed, I served as deputy and fulfilled their duties as needed.

Pre-refresh website


Front-End Web Design Refresh

This redesign brought us much more in line with the brand guide built for the campaign, matching colors and meeting readability standards, along with the refinement of typography and iconography.

Iterative Design Exploration of Translated Pages

The primary exploration here was finding the best way to present a single translated splash page to users of the site in a way that was intuitive to navigate. Thought was also given to selecting which fonts for non-roman scripts best matched the brand guide. Paragraph width was reduced to make the large amount of text easier to read.

Comprehensive feedback was solicited and facilitated from campaign stakeholders, as well as UX practitioners. Said feedback was incorporated, broken down into parts, and delegated as tasks on a Notion board.

Post-refresh website
